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Friday, April 19, 2013

I Believe in BIG FOOT!

Here are Wed-Fridays Daily Drawings. I have been trying to learn from my influences, and take what I love from their style and apply it to my own. One illustrator I love is Lee Wildish. Here is one of his characters that I love:
He illustrated this and many other wonderful books. 

I loved his character design for this big foot guy so much I had to do a few of my own based on his style. I LOVED the way he drew the huge nose and thin little arms. 
This was my hubby's concept. If it's raining when you are camping, it just might be Mr. Big Toes himself! What a sneaky little (big) guy!

Big Foot teens have to attend high school like every one else. They may have big feet, but they have normal sized, or less-than-normal-sized brains.

Big Foots (is that proper english? Big Feets? Big Footies? Hmm) sure love a good warm day at the beach! (I am sure we have all seen very hairy individuals getting their swim on..for some, this may not be too much of an exaggeration!)

I decided to quickly throw on a little paint. 

And yes, I actually do believe in big foot! I am determined to one day see him, or her!


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